Friday, March 09, 2007

I command you to Wank! Redux!!

KungfuSyme recently added a post about superhero comics, Seduction of the innocent and all that (take a look at my Uni Graduation catalogue, if you have one, and you see my artsy quote is from Dr. Fredric Wertham. God, an Art School comics Nerd, whoda thought?)

Anyway, I was nerding on the net and found posts on The Comics Journal Message Board about Unintentionally Sexual Comics Covers/Panels. So I thought I'd share some covers that Syme maybe hadn't seen.

Syme's original post : i-command-you-to-wank


Jimbo said...

It was the "Miss Em" reference in the previous post that confused me.

I assume you've heard about Captain America?

Jimbo said...

Sorry, that's "Ms. Emma".