Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Left the South, I traveled North, I got confused - I killed a horse.

Ahhh, details. I've just realised I've been so obsessed with doughnuts and smores (that's one post you will never read) that I've forgotten to post some details of the bigger picture.

The story so far..
I left Sydney for the Gold Coast to do 'Monarch Cove'. Suzanne decided to follow a few weeks later and quit Animal logic after finishing up on 'Happy Feet', she came up about 4 weeks ago.

Currently we are living in a friends unit at Runaway Bay and all our 'stuff' is in a storage facility at Everton Hills. Suzanne managed to get a job 4 days after arriving and is back working at the studio.

At this stage the 'plan' is to move back into the Wilston unit when it becomes vacated in mid/end December. Sydney may still be a possible option in the future, but at the moment we seem to be Brisbane bound.

More soon.


Jimbo said...

Okay, one less thing to do in Sydney. Danny wants me to visit... so that means I've got one thing to do.

Feel free to come up and visit if you've got the time. I don't have a chargrill, but I'm sure I can heat up some stale donuts on our ridged steak pan.

me said...

You've been tagged! See Snark the News for details!